Solar panels that generate electricity are called solar photovoltaic (PV) modules. They convert sunlight into electricity. The benefits include: Lower Electricity Bills: Generate your own electricity and reduce your energy costs. Sustainability: Show your dedication to using renewable energy and protecting the environment. Climate Goals: Help Ireland meet its climate targets by using clean energy. Government Grants: You may qualify for a grant of up to €162,600 to help with installation costs.
This grant is available to:
Find and appoint a Registered SEAI Non-Domestic Microgen (Solar PV) Company. Apply to SEAI for a Grant Offer
The grant you get depends on the output of your solar PV system. You can receive funding for systems up to 1000kWp. If your system is larger than 1000kWp, you can still apply for the maximum grant of €162,600, which is available for systems from 1kWp to 1000kWp.
A typical 30kWp solar PV system installed typically consists of 75 solar PV panels with an overall area of 125m2. Grant amount in this case would be €8,600.
The SEAI can only process grant payment once your solar PV company has uploaded ALL the required documentation. Try to get your solar PV company to upload ALL documentation ASAP after the installation, ideally within 1-3 days of completion.
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John Carolan ACMA, CEO of Solve Outsource
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