
Get Paid Faster And Avoid Bad Debts

Speed Up Payments and Prevent Bad Debts in Your Business

How do I get paid quicker and reduce the risk of Bad Debts in the business? Having an effective credit control is crucial for maintaining a healthy cash flow and minimising bad debt within a business. When it comes to credit control “Proactive rather than Reactive” is the name of the game and below I […]

KPI’s for Hospitality Businesses

Food and Beverage Cost Percentage

Hospitality KPI’s: Key Metrics for Success Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential metrics that help hospitality businesses track their performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. The specific KPIs used can vary depending on the type of hospitality business (e.g., hotel, restaurant, cafe, resort) and its goals. Here are some common KPIs that […]

Examples of AI for Business: Transformative Applications

What are examples of AI that business owners can use in their business? Business owners can leverage various AI applications to improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and gain valuable insights. Different business operating in different industries will look to utilise these new technologies to a great extent. For example, your local coffee shop may not […]

How to Reduce the Risk of Fraud in your Business

How to reduce the risk of fraud in the business

How to reduce the risk of fraud in your business Reducing the risk of financial fraud in a business requires a combination of preventive measures, strong internal controls, and a vigilant approach to detecting and addressing potential fraudulent activities. Here are some effective strategies to help you minimise the risk of financial fraud: Establish a […]

Working from home and tax relief

you can make a claim for tax relief during the year or after the end of the year If your employer pays you a working from home allowance towards these expenses, you can receive up to €3.20 per day without paying any income tax, PRSI or USC on it. If your employer pays more than […]

10 Effective strategies to manage and reduce your staff costs without effective your customer service

10 Effective strategies to manage and reduce your staff costs without effecting your customer service When employers face increases in staff costs, they can employ various strategies to manage the situation effectively.  Here are several approaches they can consider: 1. Review and streamline operations: Evaluate the organisation’s workflow, processes, and systems to identify areas where […]

Employer costs to increase next year

Employers – Additional costs to take into account when budgeting staff costs for next year. Costs are only going one way for employers and unfortunately that is not down. While increasing wages and putting more money in everyone’s pockets is a great idea and most employers would welcome that as a sentiment. However we need […]

Who’s being a busy bee?

We’re In a changing world where being productive trumps being busy every time. Here are some of the ways we can become more productive in our working day: Are you Guilty……? In a recent Vistaprint business survey their found that most small business owners reported spending more time on administrative and project management than on […]

Retirement Relief

Retirement Relief

How do I sell my business while minimising my tax liability? Point to note – Although this is referred to as Retirement Relief by Revenue, you do not need to retire from the business. For those aged 55 or older, you might be able to claim Retirement Relief. This is a relief on Capital Gains Tax […]

Pitfalls of outsourcing your accounts

Outsourcing your accounts, the pitfalls and how to avoid them. In this post we examine the risks of outsourcing and potential solutions.

The pitfalls of outsourcing your accounts and what are the solutions? If you are considering outsourcing your accounts, forewarned is forearmed. Above all, avoid rushing into it without careful examination of the pitfalls and how these will impact you and your business. When looking at your outsource options you are always comparing what you currently […]